Alistair calls me Pig in front of friends, family and strangers. The strangers are horrified. I mean, why is this guy calling his wife Pig? How cruel!
Of course it’s a term of endearment, which was originally Cochon (French for ‘pig’) and evolved into Pig once we got back from Europe. We were eating something delicious from a charcuterie in the Val D’Loire. He said it was cochon and I was a little cochon for gobbling it all up.
See? Not so cruel after all. Pretty damn soppy actually. So when he received this video the other day, Al made me watch it three times to point out the similarities between me and this baby cochon, loftily named Kingsford.
• We both like drinking milk.
• We both squeal when excited or upset.
• We both love cats and swimming in the sea.