Posted on September 28, 2010Categories AnimalsTags , , , 2 Comments on The FAT cat sat on the mat

The FAT cat sat on the mat

The husband, Alistair, and I have had Boo for five years. A new neighbour took her in when her original family emigrated. He travelled a lot and soon she came over to our flat more and more, crying to be let inside. She really just chose us. Our neighbour didn’t mind. Besides, you can’t change a cat’s mind.

The husband didn’t grow up in an animal-mad family like I did, but he absolutely adores Boo. She’s an indoor cat who’s very relaxed and affectionate, which also means lazy and fond of food.

The husband, Alistair, and I have had Boo for five years. A new neighbour took her in when her original family emigrated. He travelled a lot and soon she came over to our flat more and more, crying to be let inside. She really just chose us. Our neighbour didn’t mind. Besides, you can’t change a cat’s mind.

The husband didn’t grow up in an animal-mad family like I did, but he absolutely adores Boo. She’s an indoor cat who’s very relaxed and affectionate, which also means lazy and fond of food.

Posted on April 8, 2010Categories UncategorizedTags , , , , , 3 Comments on Pet Project Thursday – Boo

Pet Project Thursday – Boo

Like most white girls from the suburbs, I love animals. I even volunteered at the SPCA for a year. I grew up with a golden retriever named Prince – The Dog That Ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream – who brought hours of joy and laughter to my family.

And now the husband and I have Boo, a black cat with white socks and velveteen fur. We didn’t choose her, she just moved in one day and never left.

She has a million different names bestowed upon her, mostly by Alistair – Fatness, Konvunt, Ikran (yes, after the creature in Avatar), Boo Velvet, etc. I have tried to put her on a bit of a diet, but Alistair flouts this all the time. She kept getting very ill until we put her on Hill’s Science Prescription food. She likes to drink out of the water glass beside my bed. She is possibly the most adored animal in the country. Well, one of them.

And that brings me to my new blog feature for people who love their pets so much that they have ridiculous names for them and think their quirky behaviour is a sign of profound intelligence – Pet Project Thursday.

Like most white girls from the suburbs, I love animals. I even volunteered at the SPCA for a year. I grew up with a golden retriever named Prince – The Dog That Ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream – who brought hours of joy and laughter to my family.

And now the husband and I have Boo, a black cat with white socks and velveteen fur. We didn’t choose her, she just moved in one day and never left.

She has a million different names bestowed upon her, mostly by Alistair – Fatness, Konvunt, Ikran (yes, after the creature in Avatar), Boo Velvet, etc. I have tried to put her on a bit of a diet, but Alistair flouts this all the time. She kept getting very ill until we put her on Hill’s Science Prescription food. She likes to drink out of the water glass beside my bed. She is possibly the most adored animal in the country. Well, one of them.

And that brings me to my new blog feature for people who love their pets so much that they have ridiculous names for them and think their quirky behaviour is a sign of profound intelligence – Pet Project Thursday.

Posted on April 7, 2010April 7, 2010Categories Family, UncategorizedTags , , , , , , 3 Comments on The dog that ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream

The dog that ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream

I wrote this a year ago on my old blog. I think it’s worth sharing again in the lead up to a new blog feature I’ll be introducing… When my best friend and I were 13, we dreamed of sharing a big house with a menagerie of mutts. Toy poms and huskies for her, golden retrievers and ridgebacks for me. Last night we watched Marley & Me … Two of the most unsentimental 27 year-old women on the planet sniffling … Continue reading “The dog that ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream”

Posted on August 20, 2009December 7, 2009Categories Johannesburg, South AfricaTags , , , , 2 Comments on It’s (kinda) cool by the Zoo

It’s (kinda) cool by the Zoo

About 90% of the animals are endangered and the zoo is involved in breeding programmes that help repopulate species in the wild.

About 90% of the animals are endangered and the zoo is involved in breeding programmes that help repopulate species in the wild.