The Bank & I

Everyone loves a bit of bank bashing, but I haven’t been able to fault Nedbank too often. Their advertising is by far the best when it comes to the “Big Four”. Their call centre staff are patient and polite. Their fees aren’t as bad as the rest (at least on my option).

But then there’s their online banking. Sadly, it’s basic, clunky and cumbersome.

Alistair Fairweather is busy researching which of the Big Four banks have the most user-friendly online banking (article coming to soon) and Nedbank isn’t shaping up too well.

My own experience confirms this. When I log in it tells me I have a Transactor Plus account, but I actually have a cheque account. I cannot create or change stop orders. And now it no longer works in Firefox (since Firefox was upgraded).

I had called and reported all this, but nothing had changed. Then I saw the HeadStart promotion on TV, squarely aimed at my age and demographic. I thought, “Great, Nedbank are starting to speak to customers under 35. I’m sure they’ll jack up their online presence soon.”

This didn’t happen and their facebook page is rather forlorn, as you can (very) plainly see.

They’re not using it at all. They haven’t even promised, “Something coming soon!” They’ve just admitted that they registered the Page to protect their brand (fair enough, but you don’t tell the public that).

Then I searched for Nedbank on twitter and… nothing. I couldn’t believe it. Standard Bank is there, but the username Nedbank was a suspended account.

Rather annoyed by all this, I registered @NedbankSA and hoped that one day Nedbank would see my little protest.

The next day I got a call from Nedbank. A very helpful and kind technical guy explained everything I already knew and promised they are working on improving their online banking, as well as “getting on the twitter site”.

This is when I started to feel sorry for Nedbank. They are probably as confused and bewildered about social media and this interweb thing as many other big traditional companies. They have obviously spent millions on media placement for their latest TV ads, but their online persona is non-existent.

After I explained all this, the tech guy said their marketing department would contact me soon. I’m really looking forward to it. I want to help them Make Things Happen.

9 responses to “The Bank & I”

  1. Andre Avatar

    I hate Nedbank’s online presence, it feels unsecure and it’s not user friendly at all! And that is my 20c

  2. warrenski Avatar

    I love ABSA’s online banking. It’s fast, simple, comrehensive and has had decent browser support (i.e. Firefox) since forever. No empty promises – you can transact across your whole portfolio. I would never hestitate in advising friends to make the switch. 🙂

  3. Andre Avatar

    Agree with Warrenski, still a pitty about their high bank charges, but at least they have a proper online site

  4. Marisa Avatar

    I have not had the (dis)pleasure of using Nedbank’s online banking site, but have used ABSA, FNB & Std Bank and FNB is by far the most user friendly one.

  5. Corneil Avatar

    The worst is that when you offer advice or services, they all of a sudden believe they can do it themselves and do not require external input or experience, unless you can impress the right people high up in the bank.

  6. Hilary Albutt Avatar

    I have used them all, nedbanks web site sucks that true, FNB is good and standard bank’s the best IMHO. However Nedbank does have cards that work anywhere on the planet. Not so FNB or Standard or Capitech or ABSA. However that might change as FNB is bringing in PayPal.

  7. Khalil Aleker Avatar

    Amanda, did the Marketing Department contact you yet?

  8. amanda Avatar

    Hi Khalil. No they haven’t. Apparently they’re still deciding whether to “do” social media.

  9. Khalil Aleker Avatar

    Unbelievable 🙁