Moving to Joburg

I dreamt about horses last night. According to the dream books this is indicative of a “highly stressful time of change”. Huh, it should have been a hundred wild stallions then. This moving to Joburg business is rather taxing and I’ve run out of single malt whisky. Fuck.

Bitching and whining aside, I’m pretty excited. A whole new city! New people! New restaurants! New bars! And, since it’s not Cape Town, nobody asking me where I went to school!

We’ve also found an incredibly beautiful, massive flat (three times the size of our Cape Town one) in an historic block we love, plus we have our friends as neighbours. Friends with a vastly manifold book collection and lots of single malt whisky. Sorted.

As for surfing, I’ve been assured of surf trips to Durban and Mozambique. For periods in between, I’m taking up tennis again. I have a mean forehand that’s served me well in advertising when client service needed a klap.

Ah yes, advertising. Eight years in the industry has been incredibly good to me, but it’s time for a change. Time to freelance, write more, read more, study more. To be the master of my own destiny and all that. Time to start something new… Or in the immortal words of retail copywriters – “Watch this space!”

See you in a few weeks Jozi. xx

Our new home in Joburg. Rather pretty, yes?

8 responses to “Moving to Joburg”

  1. Hagen Engler Avatar

    Come on up. It’s fun here!

  2. Andrew Avatar

    There’s some beautiful big old apartments up there, and a whole other world. Good luck! You’ll miss CT 🙂

  3. Brady Kelly Avatar

    Great to have you in Joburg. That picture looks slightly familiar, is it on Oxford Road?

  4. Lucille Avatar

    Good luck with the city move and the job move… I started freelancing last year Feb and I am really loving it!

    All the best!

  5. amanda Avatar

    @Brady Nope. Killarney.

  6. amanda Avatar

    @Hagen I see it is, judging by the photos on your blog.

  7. mediahussy Avatar

    The new spot looks amazing… JUST as I imagined it to be! We’re going to miss you buzzing about CT though.

  8. ExMi Avatar

    yay! cant wait for you to move to jozi….then we can do lunch?

    and by lunch i mean a liquid lunch?