I received this email from a friend of my mother’s in Cape Town and I’m now in love with this beautiful dog. If I had a garden I’d adopt Brutus in a heartbeat. A house-trained and loving Lab who’s only three years old? Those don’t come along very often.
If you’re looking for a family dog and would like to skip the growing pains of a puppy, take a look at Brutus.

“Brutus, an almost 3 year old male, black Labrador lives next door to us in Somerset West. Over the past year we have come to know him as a wonderful character, with a lovely nature. Unfortunately his owners are not in the position to give him the attention and love he so deserves and he spends all week and most of the weekend alone with no company or stimulation.

From time to time we have taken Brutus on walks and even introduced him to some basic training and have found him to be most responsive to the attention. He has also demonstrated a real willingness to learn. He is excellent with people and is well behaved with other dogs. He also isn’t a big barker.
Although not yet neutered he is a gentle soul, who just needs lots of love, exercise and attention. Our neighbours realise that he needs a more suitable home and have agreed to his re-homing so that he can bring joy to a family who is willing to love and care for him.

So if you are looking for a friend for life and want to meet Brutus, please call us.”
Samantha 083 455 4115
Walter 083 299 3930
2 responses to “Brutus is my name but not my nature”
Best. Post. Ever.
Tuocodhwn! That’s a really cool way of putting it!