Things that made me smile this week

  • Sharing a bottle of wine with a friend while watching the sun set over the Atlantic.
  • My mom’s crush on Paraguay striker Roque Santa Cruz.
  • Dad complaining that my mother now watches more soccer than he does.
  • Winning two chess games.
  • ExMi promising me a liquid (tequila) lunch when I arrive in Joburg.
  • The mind-melting combination of Advil CS, Benylin and Corenza-C.
  • The workers renovating our block whistling “Wave Your Flag”.
  • The very funny and kind people at Traffic, especially designer Nicky who talks to her tea.
  • Woolworths chocolate-dipped oat bites.

2 responses to “Things that made me smile this week”

  1. Alwill Avatar

    ooh, chocolate dipped oat bites, must try 🙂

  2. amanda Avatar

    @Alwill They’re incredible. Addictive really.