Category: Family

  • When a feminist becomes a parent

    It’s been six months since our son was born. I carried him and birthed him, but my husband and our midwife literally brought him into this world. Yes, I became a Mom, but most importantly we became parents. And wow, has it been a sobering experience in how far women – and men – still…


  • Cake, Love & an iPad

    I pretty much had the best 30th birthday possible. Two nights of live music, time with my parents, wonderful friends who give lots of hugs, an incredible iPhone cake from Charly's Bakery, and being super-spoilt with gifts - including a beautiful iPad 2! I felt lucky and privileged to have a husband I adore and…


  • Dad’s first SMS

    I love my Dad. He can be gruff and grumpy, but also incredibly cute. He's had an ancient Nokia for five years and finally decided it was time for an upgrade. He wanted an iPhone 4 because a business associate had one. "It's the only phone I've ever seen that makes sense," he said. So…


  • What happens on New Year stays on Facebook

    We’ve all had a few embarrassing mishaps on Facebook. Even if you untag yourself, you can’t remove other people’s photos. Relationships end over this – “Uh, honey? Who’s this guy you’re hugging in the picture Alice took?” – and jobs can be on the line – “Feeling better Mike? Apparently the hottie you met at…