Category: Politics

  • Chaos in a place of sanctuary

    Chaos in a place of sanctuary

    I wrote this a few years ago and republish it every year. Lest we forget.


  • A History Forgotten Is A Future Lost

    These new ads for the Apartheid Museum are clever. They obviously didn't cost a fortune and clearly demonstrate the rather worrying fact that many young people don't know our history. I love advertising like this - it doesn't just sell, it starts a conversation. Well done TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris.


  • SpeakZA: Bloggers For A Free Press

    Sipho Hlongwane has called on all bloggers to protest the flagrant disregard the ANCYL has shown towards a free press. As a citizen of South Africa who values our remarkable Constitution, I'm proud to support this call. Below is the editorial and the list of blogs that support this initiative.


  • Bloggers For a Free Press

    Sipho Hlongwane is calling on bloggers to protest the Youth League's attacks on press freedom. An editorial will be released tomorrow on numerus South African blogs, including this one. If you would like to be a part of this, email or contact him on Twitter. The hashtag for this protest is #SpeakZA.