Category: Cape Town

  • Chaos in a place of sanctuary

    Chaos in a place of sanctuary

    I wrote this a few years ago and republish it every year. Lest we forget.


  • Joburg Drivers vs Cape Town Drivers

    We all know the popular South African aphorism – “Joburg has better drivers than Cape Town.” Even staunch, I-could-never-live-anywhere-else Capetonians say this. I certainly have. We embrace our crappy driving and wear it as a mark of pride. There is no need for a sense of direction when you can just look up at the…


  • Moving to Joburg

    I dreamt about horses last night. According to the dream books this is indicative of a "highly stressful time of change". Huh, it should have been a hundred wild stallions then. This moving to Joburg business is rather taxing and I've run out of single malt whisky. Fuck. Bitching and whining aside, I'm pretty excited.…


  • A passage to India

    Bombay Brasserie itself nestles in another historic building adjoining the lobby – The Temple Chambers – a sunken, wood panelled lounge built at the turn of the century to accommodate the denizens of the nearby Supreme Court. Stepping down into its cosy interior you can imagine the whiskered barristers of old enjoying brandies and cigars.…