Tag: children

  • When a feminist becomes a parent

    It’s been six months since our son was born. I carried him and birthed him, but my husband and our midwife literally brought him into this world. Yes, I became a Mom, but most importantly we became parents. And wow, has it been a sobering experience in how far women – and men – still…


  • The FAT cat sat on the mat

    The husband, Alistair, and I have had Boo for five years. A new neighbour took her in when her original family emigrated. He travelled a lot and soon she came over to our flat more and more, crying to be let inside. She really just chose us. Our neighbour didn't mind. Besides, you can't change…


  • Things that made me smile this month

    Teaching a beautiful redhead toddler how to get all the foam out of her babycchino cup. The same little girl asking for bits of my omelette breakfast, the sweet cherry tomatoes in particular (she obviously has good taste).