Tag: Food

  • Xmas day must-haves

    For me, the 25th of December is simply not complete without certain things: 1. Champagne & orange juice – for breakfast of course   2. Snoek pate or trout terrine with melba toast – always reminds me of my gran 3. Quality Street – the green triangle is my favourite favourite   4. Lamb, lamb…


  • Too much meat? The 3-2-2 Principle.

    It's just not natural to eat meat every night. It's become too convenient and culturally ubiquitous, it's made us lazy. So I've decided to institute what I call "The 3-2-2 Principle". I divide up the 7 nights of the week like this - 3 nights vegetarian, 2 nights meat, 2 nights fish. Eating well should…


  • No food please, I’m a woman!

    I know plenty of beautifully proportioned women who never truly enjoy a slice of chocolate cake. They berate themselves and plan torturous gym sessions to atone for every calorific bite. It’s like those “waiting for marriage” girls who lose their virginity on a drunken one-night stand. Oh the guilt! The shame! Did I really put…


  • Broccoli, sex & the office microwave

    I recently came across these hilarious office kitchen notes. And it seems that the modern office has become more and more like a polite university residence. Some colleagues even spit in each other’s food (okay, a polite UFS residence then). It’s not surprising really. You didn’t choose to be in a confined space with these…