Tag: Johannesburg

  • Walk your own dog!

    For some reason, the middle and upper classes don't walk their own dogs - they get their "staff" to do it. Driving around Parktown North, Houghton, Sandton and Saxonwold, I'll often witness a young guy in overalls being dragged along by two Golden Retrievers and a Jack Russell. 29 years in Cape Town and I'd…


  • Give A Duck in November

    Get your little white duck for R100 and the proceeds will go towards two fantastic charities - Learn To Earn and the Bobs For Good Foundation. You can also make a donation on the I Give A Duck website and buy other quacky stuff for the whole of November.


  • Joburg Drivers vs Cape Town Drivers

    We all know the popular South African aphorism – “Joburg has better drivers than Cape Town.” Even staunch, I-could-never-live-anywhere-else Capetonians say this. I certainly have. We embrace our crappy driving and wear it as a mark of pride. There is no need for a sense of direction when you can just look up at the…


  • A Capetonian in Joburg: First impressions

    I've been here nearly two weeks after our “semigration” from my home city, Cape Town. Most of it’s been spent unpacking boxes, drinking too much whisky and driving around the megalopolis trying to find decent furniture. The GPS has taken me through Mayfair, similar to the rougher parts of Woodstock with its seedy slum feel,…