Tag: love

  • I miss her

    Last night I said goodbye to Boo. My familiar, my fat cat, my little beast with rabbit paws. She magically arrived on my balcony 10 years ago, whined until I let her in, and then never left. She chose me, and I've adored her and protected her for a huge part of my life.


  • Dad’s first SMS

    I love my Dad. He can be gruff and grumpy, but also incredibly cute. He's had an ancient Nokia for five years and finally decided it was time for an upgrade. He wanted an iPhone 4 because a business associate had one. "It's the only phone I've ever seen that makes sense," he said. So…


  • We have a winner!

    After much deliberation and some amazing whisky stories that made me and my fellow judge laugh and go “aww”, we have a winner of the Whisky Live tickets and a bottle of Highland Park – Claudine du Toit! I’m a romantic soul at heart and also want more women to get into whisky, so Claudine…


  • Sex & Sickness

    After a trip to the hospital that was less Grey's Anatomy and more Nurse Jackie, I spent the past week in bed not doing anything interesting except annoying my husband with a nagging cough. Apparently there are degrees of bronchitis and it doesn't "just go away". I believe bed is for fun and sleeping, not…