Tag: Travel

  • Southern Comfort on a Monday

    At the top of my list is New York, The Grand Canyon, San Francisco, Yellowstone and New Orleans. The last one I had to fight for. Alistair said it's "smelly". He said the same thing about Venice. I don't really care - it's the birthplace of jazz and that's enough for me.


  • I still dream of Mozambique – Part 1: Maputo, prawns and Pina Coladas

    Two weeks after moving to the cold, lip-cracking dryness of a Joburg winter, I was lucky enough to go on a road trip to Mozambique, taking in Maputo for one night and Milibangala for three. Chris, Hannah, Aaron and I set out at 5:30am and made it to Maputo quite easily, except for the confusing…


  • The Kulula Ordeal

    After Alistair and I tweeted about our horrific Kulula experience on Saturday, Kulula asked me to email them. Below is the email I sent detailing the nightmare of cancelled flights, airport sprints and complete lack of care shown towards fur children. Basically I've asked them to sort their shit out. I used to be a…