Category: Experience
I miss her
Last night I said goodbye to Boo. My familiar, my fat cat, my little beast with rabbit paws. She magically arrived on my balcony 10 years ago, whined until I let her in, and then never left. She chose me, and I've adored her and protected her for a huge part of my life.
Dear Nedbank
I remember the early days of our relationship. It was a happy time. But over the years you slowly started to neglect me. You didn’t understand or listen to me. You would offer me credit cards and insurance, but never a better account or advice. I became sad and resentful. When FNB offered me a platinum…
Angry Birds Africa
Much to my surprise (I hate computer games), I’ve become an Angry Birds fan. I don’t know what it is, but shooting little birds at little piggies reduces my stress levels considerably. I’ve nearly clocked the Rio version now and am rather worried about what I’ll do next. So I’d like to suggest to Rovio…
Xmas day must-haves
For me, the 25th of December is simply not complete without certain things: 1. Champagne & orange juice – for breakfast of course 2. Snoek pate or trout terrine with melba toast – always reminds me of my gran 3. Quality Street – the green triangle is my favourite favourite 4. Lamb, lamb…
Recent Posts
- When a feminist becomes a parent
- To our ANC leaders – we need true leadership. #ZumaMustFall
- Thank you Zuma. #ZumaMustFall
- #CEOcat overdid it at the office party yesterday. #MisterSmudge #catsofinstagram
- #CEOcat wants to know why you’ve been using so much stationery this year. #catsofinstagram #MisterSmudge
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After being hit with a few hefty customs fees to pay the first few times I ordered online I now…
How did you get to 76.7% , when is you add up her percentage it's 69% where does the 7.7%…