Category: Family
How To Choose a Husband
Adoration: Marry a man who loves you a tiny bit more than you love him. People are horrified when I say this, but women are more prone to the romanticism of uncertainty. It’s exciting. (Why do you think Carrie kept going back to Big?) In the long run however, you’ll always wonder if he loves…
The dog that ate Vaseline Intensive Care Cream
I wrote this a year ago on my old blog. I think it’s worth sharing again in the lead up to a new blog feature I’ll be introducing... When my best friend and I were 13, we dreamed of sharing a big house with a menagerie of mutts. Toy poms and huskies for her, golden…
To my husband on our Second Anniversary (29 March)
* I will cook and bake for you until I need my hips replaced. * I will never understand why you loved computer games. I’m so happy you don’t play them anymore. * One day we will have a house with a garden and lots of dogs. * I’m sorry darling but the dogs will…
Things that made me smile this month
Teaching a beautiful redhead toddler how to get all the foam out of her babycchino cup. The same little girl asking for bits of my omelette breakfast, the sweet cherry tomatoes in particular (she obviously has good taste).
Recent Posts
- When a feminist becomes a parent
- To our ANC leaders – we need true leadership. #ZumaMustFall
- Thank you Zuma. #ZumaMustFall
- #CEOcat overdid it at the office party yesterday. #MisterSmudge #catsofinstagram
- #CEOcat wants to know why you’ve been using so much stationery this year. #catsofinstagram #MisterSmudge
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After being hit with a few hefty customs fees to pay the first few times I ordered online I now…
How did you get to 76.7% , when is you add up her percentage it's 69% where does the 7.7%…